Malaysia, Japan advance partnership in energy security

Monday, April 19, 2010

By Fauziah Ismail in Tokyo, Japan

MALAYSIA and Japan are to jointly undertake some 20 projects under the Japan-Malaysia Cooperation Initiative for Environment and Energy to further advance cooperation between both countries in the two areas.

Of the total, 11 will be environment-based while the remaining nine are for energy conservation and renewable energy.

Under the Initiative, Japan will assist Malaysia in the drafting a master plan and a concrete action plan to promote a waste reduction policy. It will also support the establishment of a recycling system of waste and electronics in Malaysia. Japan is noted as an advanced nation for recycling system of waste and electronics recycle services with its Home Appliance Recycling Law.


Electromagnatic Radiation

Noise cancellation technology is a growing field that capitalizes on the combination of disparate technological advancements. The purpose of the technology is to cancel or at least minimize unwanted sounds. Modern lives seem full of all sorts of noisenoisenoise, some of which are dangerous to our ears. In fact, many people, especially those who live and work in cities, have very little quiet time during the day.


Year 2004 Internet Wireless Speed

Cycling while talking on the phone already has risks; perhaps the exposure to the electronic non-ionizing radiation from the cellphone is harmful, too. Over at TreeHugger, we looked at the possible dangers in general from cellphones, microwaves and Wi-Fi.

The precautionary principle suggests that "when an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically." Given the confused state of the science around this subject, perhaps we should all take a few precautionary steps. The U.K.-based magazine The Ecologist suggests a few:

1. Disable the wireless transmitter on your family's laptop computer via the software, and use a hardwired connection.

2. Remove as many microwave devices from your home as possible, and investigate wired alternatives.

3. Aim to use your cellular phone for as short a time as possible.

The Safe Wireless Initiative is much more explicit and detailed:1. Minimize all exposure and usage of wireless communication, such as cell phones, cordless phones, and Wi-Fi devices.

2. Turn off your cell phone when it's not in use and when you're sleeping. Never keep it near your head or use it to play games or watch movies.

3. Keep your cell phone at least 6-to-7 inches away from your body while it's on or when you're talking, texting, and downloading.

4. Use air-tube headsets or speaker mode when you're talking. Wireless and wired headsets still conduct radiation.

5. Never keep your cell phone in your pocket, purse, back or on your hip all day. The hip produces 80 percent of the body's red blood cells and is especially vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) damage. Close proximity may also affect fertility.

6. Do not talk on a cell or cordless phone if you're pregnant, with a baby/small child in your arms, under 16 years of age, or while in a vehicle (that includes cars, trains, and subways). Radiation gets trapped and is higher in these closed metal zones. Minimize other EMR exposures to developing fetus via ultrasounds and Electronic Fetal Monitoring, unless absolutely necessary.

7. Replace all cordless and Wi-Fi items with wired, corded lines (such as phones, Internet, games, appliances, and other devices). The cordless phone base emits high levels of EMR-even when no one is making a call.

8. Minimize/space out computer use, sit back from your screen (flat screens are preferable). Use wired Internet connections, not Wi-Fi, especially for laptops. Keep laptops off your body and away from any metal surfaces.

9. Keep a low-EMR sleep, home, and personal zone. Move your alarm clock radio at least 3 feet from your head or use battery power-6 feet is the recommended distance from all electronic devices during sleep. Avoid waterbeds, electric blankets and metal bed frames. Futons/wood frames are better than metal-coiled mattresses and box-springs.

10. When using electric stoves, cook on back burners instead of front, as much as possible. Metals attract EMR, so keep them away from and off of the body. Use glass, cast-iron, and uncoated pans to cook with.

11. Measure EMR from wireless and wired devices with appropriate meters. To decrease exposures, install EMR filters and preventive technologies to electrical circuits, devices, and appliances.


IPV6 Problem - Teory

Positional of htmlspeacialcharacter

IPV6 Problem:
- The Network Data is upload to the computer through TCP ( then Network Data will be translate by the dll and regedit through \\::1 which cause the Network Data Stack example "<" , "[" and "|" or also calle EXO.

Another Example:

Keyboard or Scancode -> Server send a symbol 101 Scancode "@" -> Regedit \\::1 -> translator engine (Unicode or 102 International Code) -> Converted MD5 ISO Programming, it also look like "@" -> CPU Intterupt or Double Execution "Positional zero dintingused as O" Mysql EOF or BOF -> it will manfest or become another scancode example "%2025" -> it will responsewrite; twice in the webpage. In other word, the process (cpu intterput) has to be done twice because of the Alias is below the colon, zero "Positional".

What is Positional notation?

What is Numeral System?

Example the Cpu Intterupt causing the spider do twice work:

Note: US Digital Millennium Copyright Act "Echo or Responsewrite" Twice

Cpu 8085 attack Cpu 8086 Reset Javascript rapishare waiting time "zero dintingused as O" ie vulnerability.

Another Example:

Scancode and Unicode Loop (IIS or Executeable Program)

- Unicode Symbol GOMplayer "Backspace or ~"
- Scancode (Keyboard or CPU Intterupt) "Shift" + "[ "+ Without Shift "]" (AB Repeat)
- Unicode Symbol "Space or Play"

The Movie become Loop just like the Google Spider US Digital Millennium Copyright Act Above.

China: Hacker Schools Become Big Business

Sunday, April 18, 2010

China: Hacker Schools Become Big Business
By Matthew Harwood
08/05/2009 - Long known as a prominent source of cyberattacks worldwide, China has seen the emergence of online training schools that teach students the skills necessary to either be a network defender or a cybercriminal.

These "hacker schools," as they're known, are also big business, generating $34.8 million last year, reports China Daily



Tun Tuah (Neolitik)

Mai Baca - 17 April 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lima kali mohon KPLI tak dilayan

SAYA kecewa dengan pengurusan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) yang tidak prihatin kepada pemohon seperti saya yang memohon Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah (KPLI) sejak 2002 sehingga 2010 dan tidak pernah diberi peluang menunjukkan kemampuan saya untuk menjadi guru.

Apa yang menyedihkan tahun ini saya tidak dipanggil menduduki ujian MTest pada 13 Mac dan 27 Mac lalu (untuk calon rayuan) sedangkan ia tahun terakhir saya layak memohon kerana antara syarat layak KPLI ialah umur tidak melebihi 35 tahun pada tarikh kemasukan ke maktab perguruan.


Wahai ibu bapa, jenguklah anak di IPT

Mengapa ada yang sanggup membuang bayi? Tidakkah bayi itu harus disayangi selepas bersusah payah mengandung selama sembilan bulan.

Adakah sanggup bayi yang terhasil daripada kasih sayang dua insan itu dibiarkan diratah anjing liar atau digilis kenderaan? Manusia jenis apakah yang sanggup melakukan perbuatan keji dan kejam itu?

Itu kata saya, kata anda dan kata kita semua apabila setiap kali berita mengenai pembuangan bayi mengisi dada akhbar dan ruangan utama berita.

Berdasarkan statistik yang dikeluarkan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Selangor berada pada kedudukan tertinggi di negara ini dengan mencatatkan kes pembuangan bayi sepanjang lima tahun belakangan ini, iaitu sebanyak 105 kes, manakala bagi penderaan bayi dan kanak-kanak, Selangor juga merangkul kedudukan nombor satu.

Saya boleh mengandaikan mengapa Selangor begitu galak dalam kes ini, selain menjadi tumpuan belia seluruh negara bekerja mencari rezeki, negeri ini juga mempunyai jumlah pekerja asing yang tidak sedikit bilangannya. Namun begitu di negeri lain juga mempunyai bilangan kes yang begitu membimbangkan. Di Terengganu, walaupun hanya berlaku lima kes pembuangan bayi dan 168 kes penderaan bayi dan kanak-kanak, tetapi senario itu sudah cukup membimbangkan.


'Najib dianggap antara pemenang dapat temui Obama'

SIDANG Kemuncak Keselamatan Nuklear di sini menghasilkan beberapa 'pemenang' dan seorang daripada mereka ialah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana diberi penghormatan berbincang secara persendirian dengan Presiden Barack Obama.

Ia pandangan Al Kamen, penulis akhbar berpengaruh The Washington Post dalam kolum ‘In The Loop’ selepas sehari sidang kemuncak itu berakhir kelmarin.


United States and Malaysia Research (Islam Imej)

Friday, April 16, 2010

PM saran institusi strategik AS, Malaysia bergabung jalan kajian bersama

DATUK Seri Najib Razak mencadangkan dua institusi kajian strategik terkemuka Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan Malaysia bergabung menjalankan kajian untuk membetulkan persepsi mengenai Islam, khasnya di Asia Tenggara.
