Notes to programmer and webmaster : 1Malaysia Defense :)

Monday, December 7, 2009
- Change your Numeric IP in webpage (proxy) into image - not bot can collect and flood your server
- Change your email in webpage to image avoid spam bot collecting - Sock or Layered Service Provider (LSP) upgraded ipv4 - ipv6 (application bug)
- Make sure your coding is in charset=UTF-8 (ISO/IEC 17025) W3C Compliance
- When your registering a domain or subdomain please make sure your own ip not the isp ip (ipv4)
- Make sure your numeric domain changed to alphabetic
- If you use xammp web server find the httpd (ipv6 layered)and change the "DocumentRoot"

Notes to Google Staff - Please reprogram the language so it can be selected like the user want
language = en ****\ English
If lang="en" then
echo "but"
echo "tapi";



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