The Adoption Process

Friday, February 13, 2009
So you’ve made your final decision to adopt a child? The next thing to do now is to consider the adoption process or know exactly what to do before bringing your new baby home.

The adoption process is pretty simple. As long as you’re sure with your plans and decisions, the rest will just run as smooth as possible. There are only a few important things that you need to note and understand, but for it to be successful, you also need to exert some extra effort and time. If possible do your best win and bring your new baby home. The most important steps to consider in the adoption process include the following:

Step #1: Select an Adoption Agency

Knowing where to ask for help, whether to adopt through a public or private agency, is the primary step in the adoption process. So start with a good decision. Remember that you have two options: private and public; each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages. Given this fact, it is then better that you do a research first before making your final decision. In doing a research, just make sure that you know exactly about the fees or costs of adoption service offered by the agency, and when or where you can pay for them.

Step #2: Attend an Adoption Orientation

Most of the adoption agencies conduct or host orientations for adoption. Note that the information delivered during this event is very important and can help you greatly in deciding whether to go on with your plan or back out. What will be discussed usually during the orientation is the general adoption process they are about to consider, fee schedules, and other adoption related matters. So it is best to attend the orientation and obtain a sense of which agency you will be most comfortable dealing with.

Step #3: Consider and Complete a Pre-Placement Inquiry

A pre-placement inquiry also refers to home study or family assessment. This is often considered once you have decided on a particular agency to work with and note that this adoption process is required by every state law. Well, in this adoption process, the agency will evaluate you as a prospective adoptive family. They will study and evaluate the physical and emotional environment to which the child would be raised in, and this could no doubt be a good preparation for parenthood. Aside from that, the home study is deemed very important in every adoption procedure as it is here where all aspects of adoptive parenthood will be identified. Now, what happens usually during his process is that the agency or the social worker will conduct home visits and interviews generally to determine your capability of raising the child in a positive way. This can be completed in just a few months, depending on the requirements set by the adoption agency, as well as the number of clients involved.

Step #4: Finalize the Legal Procedures

The adoption process ends by finalizing the legal procedures involved. The finalization actually takes place after all the parental rights of the birthparents have been terminated and the child is now under your custody for about six months. This also takes place after the social worker has submitted a recommendation for approval. And, it is in this adoption process that you need to hire an attorney, if you haven’t yet.


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