Getting Your First Client As A Personal Injury Attorney

Monday, February 9, 2009
When you are starting up your personal injury attorney business, you need will a large enough pool of clients to bring in revenue to cover your costs. If you have practised as personal injury attorney for a different firm in the past, you may be able to persuade a few clients to come to you in the future; however, this more than likely will not provide you with enough business to pay the bills. This is why you should consider advertising.
To begin with, you can place a large, professionally-designed sign outside of your firm and put ads in the yellow pages.

Pamphlets and business cards will make sure that everyone knows you are a personal injury attorney. You need to be seen as a respected personal injury attorney and not an ambulance chaser. But how can you get your first client through the door without a reputation?

You can go to personal injury attorney events and hand out some business cards. You will also need to do this around the local area. Just to let everyone know that you are in business and ready to help anyone that might have a problem. A personal injury attorney is always needed in this world, but the tough task is letting people know that you are in business and letting them know that you are a personal injury attorney ready to win some cases.

You have to spend money to make money in the crazy world of personal injury attorneys and when you get that first client through the door, you will then have to make sure that the rest will follow by advertising through your actions. Send that client away happy, and then they will advertise for you word-of-mouth.


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