Things to Consider When Purchasing Used Accordion

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Things to Consider When Purchasing Used Accordion

Thinking for a purchase of a used accordion? If so, then I think that it is better for you to know first some of the important things to consider when purchasing a used accordion.

It is necessary to note in the first place that most of the used accordions need repair. Apparently, most of them are sold because most of them are not in good condition. One of the common characteristics of a used accordion is the keys and buttons are usually noisy. Also, you may find that some of the keys may be misaligned and a number of the accordion reeds may not be speaking properly. It is actually during this case that an overhaul is typically called for. This may sometimes involve a keyboard leveling, a full retuning, new leathers, and re-waxing of the reed plates. This then means that this is not cheap as it takes a great deal of time. In fact, a usual big repair job of a used accordion requires as much as 20 hours of work.

Also, don’t expect that you will be able to find a very old accordion of any kind, at any price that will give you consistently a trouble-free service for more than a year or so. This is very typical especially at auction, and this is only possible unless the used accordion has been overhauled. But, speaking of hauling, it is worth noting that if you need a reliable instrument for the long haul, then you should either be looking at new instruments or those accordions that are well-maintained no more than 15 years old. If not, then be prepared to invest whatever it takes in overhauling an old, used accordion. Perhaps the best option here is to be trailing into the repair shop every couple of months every time the parts of the used accordion develop a problem.

But, trudging into a repair shop is not only appropriate every time the used accordion develops a problem. Rather, it is best to note that even if a used accordion is not obviously in need of repairs, it should still go into the repair shop for maintenance examination at least every couple of years. Most of the professional accordionist, even those with hectic touring schedules often do this yearly. What usually takes place during the maintenance check up is that the technician will give the used accordion a thorough cleaning and lubrication as necessary, examine the action of the instrument, including the leathers and the wax. The tuning might also be touched up if necessary. It’s no doubt that this is a wise investment in the good sake of your used instrument.


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