Should this be called Islamic Researchology? - New Word (phraseology)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What is Research?
A method or a way for founding new thing example technology and literary (word founding)

What is Ology?
Ology comes from the greek logos, meaning the "study of" something. There are an incredible amount of different branches of science, thus there are a lot of ologies, and this is list is designed to define as many as possible. Note: many of these ologies start with the prefix paleo- it is greek for old or ancient.

What is Researchology?
An education method on how to do a research

What is Islamic Researchology?
An education method on how to do a research or buying a technology base on holy Quran & Al-Sunnah

1. Idea
2. Know the boundry from Al-Quran or Al-Sunnah - (example Human Rights)
3. Pray
4. Do

Example on how Islamic research being done
- The Founding of Sound Technology or Radio wave
- Fitnah/Fitna is a word or act that can be done from sound and articles "Sound->Mouth, cassette, cd"
- Know the healthy boundary from Al-Quran, Example Fitnah can kill a someone by Al-Sunnah
- Parying
- Do - Qada & Qadar

How this can Fitnah/Fitna effect someone or a community?
A Proof method has been shown by our community by using an ocean or birds sound/cassette/cd to ease the mind and this method has shown us how can mind being influenced by the Founded Technology (Sound Technology).

Fitnah how can it be connected by the word or act "Killing someone"
1. Killing the identity or pride of the accused by using the world community
2. Changing the Reality by Killing a person using the community to turn around the accused mind. (Formula: Education (Sound and articles) -> Community -> Mind Believing -> Depression -> Reality Changes -> madness or crazy)

Why does the Islamic Researchology should be practice?
God has give us a path to healthy life using Al-Quran and al-sunnah.
Example :
If someone did not pray this will cause them a ear diseases (Cleaning ears 5 time a day will wipe the germ, before praying - pray water)

How can Islamic Researchology effect us?
Islamic Future Community means being forwarded using the Islamic healthy lifestyle by conducting the Islamic Researchology before doing some research on interested idea.

How can this word foward our future community?
Syaitan/Satan pissing his ears..............
1. a future community with an understandment that a syaitan/satan pissing on his ears (imagination)
-Causing Mental Ilness (Seeing Ghost)
2. a future community with an understandment of being lie to and disease are spreading

How can a future community forwarded?
Creation of "Word"and educate them, Example :
Believing is "Be" "Lie" "ing" is created by someone smart be course of the combination
- Be : root word, become, understand
- Lie: not true
- ing: do, act

What happen to Malaysia future community with this word differences combination between melayu and english ?
Example word creation:
Melayu means Caj and in English means Charge
Melayu means Nyah Caj and in English means Discharge
Melayu means Buka and in English means Enable
Melayu means Tutup and in English means Disable

Did you see the word "Dis" are being used by the english?
How many word load must Malaysian learn? Student are suffering so many work load tu understand the word and rembering them.

Malaysia Future Community is?
1. Heavy work load?
2. Eased work load?

Are we trying to "Merdeka" the word? and making the work load more, meaning of this Merdeka word is by using our own creation example of NOT merdeka word:
Melayu means Nyah Caj and in english means discharge, the caj or charge is a word (with same pronousation) that are not created by the Melayu Literator (Sasterawan), and this is what i call are not "merdeka" word.
("Nyah" is a merdeka word)

Why can't Malaysia use our old traditional ways of creating new word for education and this will minimize the work load for the student (same pronousation)? example:
1. Discaj = Discharge

2. Politik = Politic

- Work Load is easier
- Melayu language are still not wipe because of the spelling (Nationality Pride)

Negetive by some oppinions may accur:
By Following the method above there will be some difficulties that may occur in future example, "Melayu Hilang Di Dunia" (Melayu Language is wipe)

If we choose to Merdeka the word, Should the word combine with the islamic word to keep their faith in future?
- What about other student with that are not islam?
- Everything new are wierd for the first time until the community is teach each other how to use it and become fimiliar with it and no more oppinion being discuss (Forgotton)

Articles discussing the new malaysia ways educating our children

For us to remember
Will Melayu be Wipe?
Melayu tidak akan hilang di dunia - Dato' Hang Tuah

Muhd Khairi Rijal bin Farouk


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